Verifies that the current transformation matrix is orthonormal. Not available because no transformation matrix has been loaded into memory. Verifies that the current transformation matrix is orthonormal. Inverts the class covariance matrices to verify that they are nonsingular. Not available because a project file is not open or there are no classes in the project. Inverts the class covariance matrices to verify that they are nonsingular. Lists the description for the image file represented by the active image window. Not available because there is no active image window. Lists the description for the image file represented by the active image window. Creates a biplot graph of selected image data and/or project class data. Not available because there is not active image window or open project. Creates a biplot graph of selected image data and/or project class data. Creates an image file for each selected class that represents the class correlation matrix in image form. Not available because a project is not open or there are no project classes. Creates an image file for each selected class that represents the class correlation matrix in image form. Does a principal component analysis for the requested image data represented by the active multispectral image window. Not available because there is no active multispectral image window. Does a principal component analysis for the requested image data represented by the active multispectral image window. Utilities submenu Use this submenu to select a utility type of processor. Not available because no image window is currently open. Utilities submenu Use this submenu to select a utility type of processor.